Wordpress Website Design Studio Adelaide

Getting more traction with a website renovation

Case Study: Harwood Homes Property Developer Website Redesign

Harwood Homes is a boutique property developer, based in Adelaide’s South, Port Noarlunga. They assist investors in completing property developments through joint ventures and purchasing properties to develop.

The original website was a Wix based site with very minimal content, no clear call to action, limited core purpose information and an average navigation experience for any visitors. Nicola and Mark were ready to step their website up a level in alignment with their business as they have grown. So it was essential that the website was optimised for SEO and conversions.

Adelaide Website photographer Carly Mangan

What was our strategy?

The aim of their website renovation was to improve user experience, communicate clearly what they did and how they can help potential property investors as well as increase conversions and interactions with their visitors.

Nicola and Mark wanted a clean modern look with a friendly, approachable feel with a professional and knowledgeable vibe. To achieve these goals we carried out competitor market analysis to review other websites in the property development industry. We were able to gain a better understanding of what services to promote and tap into the key elements that would most likely draw in potential clients.

Keyword research was also carried out and completed for the clients services they offer (property development, joint ventures and private property sale). This gave us a clearer picture of the site architecture and URL structure. In addition, we completed all the title tags, meta descriptions and image alt text for each page as this helps position the site strategically on Google.

Adelaide Website photographer Carly Mangan

For the main service pages we were able to include the correct language and words their customers were searching for and resonated with. Plus we designed the site so it can be used on all mobile devices, desktops and tablets.

Generating blog or article content was also a key part of their website research process in order to boost their ‘expertise’ rating we were able to provide the client with a comprehensive ideas list so they remained at the top of their game and informative to potential customers. They can build their blog expertise over time in alignment with their projects.


Harwood Homes Property Developer Pt Noarlunga


Harwood Homes Property Developer Port Noarlunga

Business Branding Photoshoot

A Branding Photo shoot was included as part of their website build package. It was perfect for Nicola & Mark who did not have a selection of photos for their website and any updated professional profile photos. To create a personalised feel and a true local vibe a Branding Photo shoot was the next best step to provide this.

Adelaide Branding and Website photographer Carly Mangan

As part of their Branding Photoshoot we met to discuss the objectives of the photo shoot, discover their thoughts behind their branding, how they want their customers to view them & what words it will generate when a potential client views their website images. It was important to them that they came across as personable, approachable, knowledgeable and professional.

We captured their photos in 3 different locations – the first being their own home as it was brand new (perfect as a Property Developer!), a building site with framing to capture “on-site” planning and review and an empty block where they are currently developing that site for a build of 3 properties. We utilised paper plans and captured them in a variety of outfits so they have some variety for future social media. Overall, they were delighted with the end result and now have a library of stock images they can use when presenting at Property Development conferences and other important meetings.

Client Feedback

Mark & Nicola of Harwood Homes were delighted with their new website which showcased their projects, their approach to property development and the ability to promote their website for potential clients & joint venture partners. The website is steadily attracting visitors based on their chosen keywords. We have focussed on their local business approach and look forward to the next 6-12 months of growth in their stats.

Adelaide WordPress Website builder local business

Where is the Client now?

Nicola and Mark now have a fully optimised SEO website ready to get more qualified leads and targeted traffic.

Visit their website: https://harwoodhomes.com.au/

Business Branding Photo shoot, Adelaide – Photography by Carly

Ready to start your own project?

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